Selling Webinars – Cafe Joy members get special pricing.


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute
Introducing 2 NEW selling webinars!

Just released 2 NEW selling webinars and they are filling up quickly! Cafe Joy members save $10 on each. The first one will be full by the end of the week so sign up now!
Why Networking with Other Businesses is a Must for Photographers

The business world loves the term networking. While it can be thrown around as a buzzword, when you break it down, it simply means making connections and building relationships. While networking is a part of many jobs, it is essential for professional photographers...

The Portrait Photographer’s Guide to Keeping Up With Trends

Who remembers the boom of selective coloring in the early 2000s? Everywhere you looked, you'd see black and white images but for a pop of red in the subject's shoes or a vivid, bright bouquet colored by hand with colored pencils. Trends come and go in all creative...